Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What questions are asked in a film school interview if someone is applying for a film direction course?

Hi guys! Please tell me what kind of questions are asked in a film school interview. Can someone please brief me on the dos and don'ts of a film school interview?|||It depends greatly on the school, but the key is STORY. They don't care if you have a ton of technical experience, they don't care if you have seen and can quote and analyze every classic film, they want you to tell good stories in a clear and articulate manner. They're also looking for someone who can work well with others, so a typical question might be, "tell me about a time when you had to collaborate with someone."

Another typical technique is they ask you is your favorite movie, then no matter what the movie they tear it apart and say it sucks- stick to you guns and defend it, they want you to have reasons why you think its a good film. They also do the reverse with bad films, make sure you have 2 films prepped and reasons why you like/hate them.

Make sure to have confidence without being cocky, filmmaking takes guts and tenacity, so show them you won't cave under pressure, but don't come across as a crazy tyrant.

Best bet, find an alumni of the school you're going to and ask them about the interview process.

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