Friday, September 16, 2011

Why is film production and publicity so important to the Rhode Island government?

Have you noticed all the New England headlines lately? Why are Rhode Island government officials so anxious to receive more recognition as a place of television and film?

Is it honestly for more jobs?|||Both MA and Ri are on the fast track to developing complete local studio production companies. Land has already been purchased in Plymouth, MA and the RI developer doesn't seem to be far behind. It's all about the money. With production facilities available in this area, movie producers can cut expenses. MA is offering tax breaks to filmmakers. If the rest of production (not just the filming) of movies is done locally, it means a great deal of revenue for the states and jobs for local people.|||rhode island wants to have more movies etc. there b/c it brings in a TON of money. movie people like filming there b/c it's cheap. so...ri is trying to remind film studios about them. also, ri just passed some new laws about filming in ri that makes it easier for big studios to film here....this way they're hoping to be the new canada...good place to film, cheap easy laws that allow filming without a lot of red tape. ri wants this b/c of the influx of people with large incomes (movie people) into the local economy. so overall good deal for everyone...and it neer hurts to remind people about ri in movies to increase tourism, which is another big money maker for ri.|||Anytime that a movie is filmed in an area that area gets a lot of free "travel publicity" in the long run.

However politicians are mostly tuned into the short run. A film company hires local people, brings in stars that want to stay and eat first class, buys supplies, pays fees and licensing costs, hires police details, and draws crowds that are delighted to watch the production. That is major money from a film and of course the film could have sequels that are likely to be filmed right back there again.

The fact that the filming is a temporary disruption to traffic and people's lives and peace%26amp;quiet is never a factor.

One of the things RI has going for it is that, not having had a lot of movies made there, its scenery and locales are exciting novel places that will add distinction ot the movie.|||R.I. is a poor state and they need help.

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