Friday, September 23, 2011

How to get a street closed to film a movie locally?

Im filming a very low budgeted movie (around $5,000) for the Appalachian Film Festival in April 2011. I have a scene that requires a street to be closed down. Ive looked into just doing it while the streets open, but I really need to close it. I also would ike to use the local Poilce, fire, and ambulance for like 10 minutes if there's a way to get the there too. Any ideas on how to do that and get a street closed for a couple hours?|||Go to your local town or city council meeting and sign up to speak during the public comments part of the meeting. Be prepared and keep in mind that their cooperation will require money from you. In order to close a public street,causing grief for commuters, Public Works and the local Police departments must be called in to supervise. This requires extra shifts and putting more people on the job. That costs money. Some cities even require that the production company has insurance.

Hope this helps.|||If I were you- i would talk to youre local leaders... like the mayor, senator, etc. Ask them if you could close down a small street for a few hours.

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