Friday, September 23, 2011

What point do reality shows film the personal interview about the previous scene?

You know, when they show a clip of the filmed life...then they stop and get the first hand interview from the person in the filmed scene? I wondered, because (especially in game shows) people never give anything away about the outcome by their expressions. It would make sense for them to film the reflection after the show is filmed, looking back, but it seems as though they really dont know the outcome at the time of the interview. Do they film these scenes/interviews after every day? Do they actually wait until the end of the show, and these people are just great actors?|||i've wondered the same thing myself. it's not uncommon to see a participant/contestant wearing the same outfit throughout the course of the series during their interviews, which almost makes you wonder if it's one big interview conducted at the end.

anyway, i'm borrowing this from another thread. it sort of tackles the question:

There are two kinds of interviews you'll see on shows... on the fly and formal. On the fly interviews are usually at the site where something is happening and captures immediate responses to a situation that's just happened. Formals (those nicer-looking "Sit down" interviews) can be shot hours, days, weeks, even months after action occurs to tailor the edited action to the producers' needs.

Both of these are helpful in intensifying action either truthfully or when something needs to be made to feel a certain way. Watch for standard bites like "I was really nervous that I was going to be eliminated," or other things no one on earth says unless they're prompted.|||i've wondered the same thing myself. it's not uncommon to see a participant/contestant wearing the same outfit throughout the course of the series during their interviews, which almost makes you wonder if it's one big interview conducted at the end.

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